how do I stop this crazy train?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Vance is Super

Our commissary's marketing department really spares no expense... The next time you are thinking you aren't liking where you live call me and I can make you feel better about it.


At August 17, 2007, Blogger A Goldsworthy Note said...

WHAT??? Talk about a strange sign. That's very weird.

At August 19, 2007, Blogger Katie said...

I'm confused. Why are you at Vance? It looks like a third grader made that sign!

At August 19, 2007, Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

HAHAHA!!! I love it! They really pull out all stops at pilot training bases. Can't you just wait to get out of there??

At August 20, 2007, Blogger Katie said...

Oh. Duh. Vance. Sorry! I was thinking you were somewhere else. Anyway....that is so funny!

At September 07, 2007, Blogger Lysandra said...

That is digusting!


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